Friday 25 May 2018

*Happy Dance*

We met up the weekend after our month of no communication was up. He said the same things. Knew he had to prove himself to me, said he wanted to love me and no one but me and explore the future together. Made all sorts of sexual promises. We did a lot of snogging. Which, to be fair, is a massive thing in itself. In the last few years of being together the most we did was hug and kiss on the lips so even snogging seems like a move in the right direction ❤

And then I had a massive fall out with my sister-in-law about how much I see their kids (long story, for another blog post maybe - but I did tweet about it at the time if you're interested), I had the worst day I had ever had at work for a long time (I still love my job, don't get me wrong, but it was a day that was beyond frustrating). He spoke to me afterwards. He came over two days later. I got laid.

Image result for happy dance gif

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