Tuesday 26 August 2014

Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, right?!

Well, I’m not technically plagiarising as I am merely sharing this lovely lady’s writing rather than claiming it as my own! And I have said lady’s permission :) I’ve just had one of those moments when you read what someone else has written and think – jeez, that’s exactly how I’ve been feeling. The last point I make below especially ties in with my last blog post on ‘going public’. So, here goes.

First point of note, I’ve had a lot of people lately saying ‘oh, I just know it’ll happen when the time is right’. No, no you don’t. It may never happen, how can you be so sure it’ll happen when the medical experts aren’t?! Which is exactly what this post is about, how many people think they’re helping when they say ‘supportive’ things but are actually making you feel worse? Her second point in this post is another one I’ve had a lot from people ‘I know exactly how you feel’ – no, no you don’t.

This is another one I can sympathise with, although my HSG experience wasn’t as bad as the Endometrial Biopsy that she describes, I completely and utterly felt a lot of the same things about the experience rather than the ‘mild cramping’ that you’re supposed to get. Her doctor asking for forgiveness rather than permission, being glad hubby wasn’t actually there after all as no one wants to see their spouse go through that, and then finally – the realisation that actually, ladies, we are much much stronger than we think we are and we should damn well give ourselves the credit for it.

Finally, this is something EVERYONE should read. It something we’ve struggled with – who do you tell? When do you tell? How much should you tell them? And not only that, remember that you can stop telling whenever you so wish. Sometimes I don’t want to talk about things, sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t want to answer all the questions people have and describe the procedure we’ve been through (that’s why I have my blog :D ), sometimes I want people to know everything to try and understand what’s going on.

I have friends, and relatives, who have tried to be too helpful – suggesting all manner of things and I just don’t have the time or energy to tell them I’d rather stick with what the docs are telling us thank you very much. Likewise there are times when all I want those that know to say is ‘you’ve been in my thoughts lately’ rather than ask a ton of probing questions.

So there you go. All this really does is reinforce the lovely feeling I have that I’m not alone going through this. There are others out there, they feel the same as I do about a lot of things and so it’s not strange to have these ups and downs and nor is it strange to want to tell those closest to you to leave you alone as you just can’t face another conversation. It’s all fantastic to know.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, what a lovely post to read in the morning. I'm glad my posts struck a chord with you, and by that same token, I'm sad that you can relate because it's a difficult thing to go through.

    All I can really say is, hang tough. We're all getting through this together and sometimes things. just. suck. But I choose to believe there will be a light at the end of the tunnel - for both of us. Stay strong, sister. And feel free to respectfully plagiarize me anytime!!
