Tuesday 19 January 2016

Speaking about the Unspeakable - The Joy of Sex (Toys)

Good moaning dear readers.

And those of you that are dear readers will be aware of the rather odd side effect of our infertility journey that both hubby and myself have been saddled with. We have both completely and utterly lost our sex drive.

Well, I have decided enough is enough. I have taken matters into my own hands, literally, and plan on jump-starting my body to remind it what it needs to do and to enjoy doing it. Female masturbation seems to be one of the last taboos, although I must admit I'm not entirely sure why - we all do it. Don't we?! Well, I haven't for a while. My vibrator of choice is now almost 13 years old and doesn't quite, erm, hit the spot in the way it used to. This has probably not helped me as I've been less inclined to use it and no doubt this has added to the wider problem.

So! January sales here I come... Or went, as would be more appropriate. I have some new friends and they've had quite a bit of use since I brought them home. I am damned if this will beat me. I will remind my body of what it needs to be doing and should be enjoying so that it wants it itself. I will overthrow the darkness that has encroached, the barrier will be broken down by my bare hands.

Hubby's issue seems more to be tiredness, he's now three months proper into the new job and is still getting used to shift work. He's enjoying it so his mood is considerably improved but he seems to always be tired - hence I think the onus is on me to jump him (at the beginning at least) and so I must jump start myself. We've both just forgotten what to do, the urge is no longer there and we have got into the 'comfort' zone of not being bothered.


We have both said that we will fix it this year and I now have new friends to help. This WILL NOT beat me!!!

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