Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Art of Over-Sharing

I'm not entirely sure where to start this.... What has prompted me writing this is the 'joy' of social media. Note the inverted commas. Most of the time I am incredibly grateful for social media, really I am. I can keep touch with my friends across the world, keep in touch with family when anyone is not in the same country as me (or if I'm in a different country for that matter!) and of course - I would never ever ever have coped with the past 2 years without this blog and the wonderful ladies of Twitter.


There are times when I despise social media and all it stands for. It gives voice to those that don't need it, an audience to those that crave attention and platform to those that have nothing to say.

Cryptic posts such as 'I don't know how much longer I can do with this' or 'feeling really sad' or 'unwell again' or 'totally fed up'. There are thousands more examples out there. Posts that don't actually give any information about the person's situation and just invite a long list of 'oh hun, I'm here if you need me' or 'you're so lovely, don't let anything get you down!' or 'aaaah, big hugs' replies really get on my wick. What on earth are you trying to achieve?! If your life is really that bad, would you really - honestly - post about it on social media???! Or do you desperately want the attention and verification that you have friends? Maybe I'm just old fashioned. Maybe I just have a bit of dignity and don't want to splash my life all over the internet*.

Don't get me wrong, there are posts about the loss of a loved one when the person in question is clearly grieving and this is part of that grief. That, in my head at least, is a completely different situation. But how would all my friends/followers feel if I posted some of the following statements on FB or my (other) Twitter? All of which I have felt, most of which I have posted here instead, none of which I have actually made public:

  • Why why why can't I get pregnant?
  • Seem to be feeling more and more tearful. I was in such a good mood when I got home from work, and then that all changed.
  • I swear if I get asked one more time if we want kids, and then get told 'well, you'd better get a move on as you're not getting any younger!' - I will hit that person with a wet fish
  • Just relax eh?! Yes yes, that'll cure the infertility that a doctor can do nothing about
  • At the hospital again. Oooh goodie, another chance to have my knickers round my ankles at a moment's notice
  • Well, today was a pretty bad day. No idea why, but I just seemed more sensitive to things. Wherever I looked I saw babies, small people and pregnant ladies
  • Sick of hearing "I know exactly how you feel" - No, no you absolutely do not. Go away.
  • Oh for heaven's sake people, if I'm not drinking on a night out it does not automatically mean I'm pregnant
  • Finally decided not to lie any more, it has taken its toll on both of us to keep pretending all is ok. People keep asking and we kept rebuffing them. From now on, if anyone asks, we'll be honest.
  • Yay! More blood tests!
  • Must not give up, must not give up, must not give up
  • Argued with hubby this evening. Over absolutely nothing. So, after I'd been out, I cried all the way home.
  • More friends that are pregnant!!! Gah!!!
  • STOP moaning about your children - at least you have them. This includes those of you whinging about lack of sleep or lack of money.
  • No I am not 'lucky' that I am able to sleep past 5am on a weekend
  • No idea why, but feeling incredibly tearful today. I feel low, with no particular reason, other than things just don't seem to be going to plan

Well, that was quite cathartic :)

This also reminds me of something else I've seen online, can't for the life of me remember where admittedly ,but essentially a mother posts the following status on Facebook:

"OMG, my daughter has just drunk some bleach - what do I do?"

To which the very first comment underneath it was "Quick - post about it on Facebook!"

Doesn't that just say it all?!

* yes yes I am well aware of the irony, as that's technically what I'm doing here.... But it is anonymously and to a selective audience. It is not to all and sundry. It's certainly not fishing for responses.

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